Empowering Multimodal and Intermodal Accessibility Analysis

Within the project EMMA, we are building a multimodal and intermodal accessibility model for workplace locations in the metropolitain region of Munich, enabling new analysis that will contribute to a better regional understanding and planning of workplace locations and their impacts on the daily commute of its workers.

EMMA is a DFG-funded project at the Chair of Urban Structure & Transport Planning at Technical University of Munich. It is part of the Research Group Accessibility Planning at the Chair.

Our Accessibility Model

The model is multimodal in a sense that we look at the most important modes of transport in parallel (Public Transport, driving, cycling, and walking). It is also intermodal, because our methodology allows the analysis of combined trips, such as Bike&Ride, which play an increasingly important role in times of the intruduction of new mobility services that aim at complementing public transport rather than replacing it.

Tools & Data

EMMA is built 100% on open source tools. We use

  • OpenTripPlanner for routing and isochrone calculations
  • PostGIS to store and query our spatial data
  • R & RStudio for scripting, data analysis, and putting it all together.

Open data is the foundation of our analysis. Mainly

Get in touch with us!

Are you are researcher working on similar topics? A planner who is open to test new methods? A company who has to make a location choice?
We are always open to cooperate and exchange with you. Don’t hesitate to email us!

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Einladung zu Expert:innen-Interviews

Arbeitsstandorte haben das Potenzial, das Mobilitätsverhalten der Beschäftigten am Standort zu prägen. Das birgt Risiken, aber auch große Chancen für die Stärkung nachhaltiger Mobilitätsoptionen für den Weg zur Arbeit.

New paper about the EMMA methodology

𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗽𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 from our research project EMMA: “An Open-Source Modelling Methodology for Multimodal and Intermodal Accessibility Analysis of Workplace Locations”, just published in Sustainability: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/15/3/1947 We define “auto-independent” workplaces as those that are accessible by multiple modes of transportation: by car, but also with alternatives such as public transport, bicycles, or a combination of them.

NECTAR Conference Toronto

Maximilian Pfertner and Benjamin Büttner represented EMMA at the NECTAR conference in Toronto from June 20-22, 2022. We enjoyed the fruitful and positive discussions around workplace accessibility with an international expert audience.

Meet the Team



Maximilian Pfertner

Researcher & PhD Candidate

Principal Investigators


Dr. Benjamin Büttner

Senior Researcher
