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Arbeitsstandorte haben das Potenzial, das Mobilitätsverhalten der Beschäftigten am Standort zu prägen. Das birgt Risiken, aber auch große Chancen für die Stärkung nachhaltiger Mobilitätsoptionen für den Weg zur Arbeit.

New paper about the EMMA methodology

𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗽𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁 from our research project EMMA: “An Open-Source Modelling Methodology for Multimodal and Intermodal Accessibility Analysis of Workplace Locations”, just published in Sustainability: We define “auto-independent” workplaces as those that are accessible by multiple modes of transportation: by car, but also with alternatives such as public transport, bicycles, or a combination of them.

NECTAR Conference Toronto

Maximilian Pfertner and Benjamin Büttner represented EMMA at the NECTAR conference in Toronto from June 20-22, 2022. We enjoyed the fruitful and positive discussions around workplace accessibility with an international expert audience.

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Übersicht zum Projekt EMMA - Ein multi- und intermodales Erreichbarkeitsmodell für Arbeitsstandorte Arbeitsstandorte sind prägend für unseren Alltag. Wo unser Arbeitsplatz liegt, hat Einfluss auf unser Mobilitätsverhalten - und zwar nicht nur für den Weg zur Arbeit, sondern auch für andere Erledigungen und Freizeitaktivitäten.

EMMA's conference presentations this summer

During the summer, we had the chance to present EMMA at two wonderful online conferences. While most in-person events have been cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic, these virtual events are a great way to ensure fruitful discussions and collect feedback, which is crucial for all kinds of research.

Temporal accessibility of workplaces by time of day

The release of the official nation-wide GTFS dataset for Germany has been a game changer for all kinds of public transport analysis recently. Within EMMA, we use a filtered version of this dataset for the region in OpenTripPlanner.

First EMMA workshop at TUM

December 10, 2019 was a special day for Maximilian Pfertner’s PhD project EMMA – “Empowering Multimodal and Intermodal Accessibility Analysis”: Seven international experts joined us for the first expert workshop within our project funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - German Research Foundation.